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Iwant to learn how to sketch but i do not have money

  That's totally fine! Sketching is a wonderful skill that doesn't necessarily require expensive materials or courses. Here are some tips to get started without spending much: Pencil and Paper: Grab any paper and a pencil you have at home. It doesn't have to be fancy; any kind will do. Online Tutorials: There are tons of free resources online. YouTube has many great tutorials for beginners. Look for channels that focus on basic sketching techniques. Library or Online Books: Check out your local library for books on drawing and sketching. If going to the library isn't an option, many libraries have digital collections where you can borrow e-books on drawing. Practice Daily: Consistency is key. Spend at least 15-30 minutes a day practicing. Sketch everyday objects, your surroundings, or try copying simple drawings at first. Draw from Observation: Start by sketching objects around you. Observational drawing helps improve your skills significantly. Join Online Communit

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